Značka: Warhammer40000
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Kód: 99120101282
1 578 Kč
Značka: Warhammer40000

Modely jsou neslepené a nenabarvené. V angličtině. Nebezpečí udušení. Nevhodné pro děti mladší 36 měsíců. Obsahuje malé části, které by mohly být spolknuty nebo vdechnuty. Obal není hračka, před použitím hračky ho odstraňte z dosahu dítěte, může způsobit zadušení.

Like the Predator is to a Rhino, the design of the Gladiator is based upon that of an Impulsor’s chassis, and has been designed to serve as a front line battle tank rather than a transport vehicle. If you're looking to shore up your batteline while offering some formidable fire support, a Gladiator will fit the role perfectly! The Lancer-pattern Gladiator is armed with a turret-mounted laser destroyer, making it the perfect choice for obliterating monsters, tanks or other high-value targets from extreme range.

This set is supplied in 157 plastic components and also contains 1x Citadel 100mm Round Base and 1x Clear Tank Hover Stand. A Primaris Vehicle Transfer Sheet is also included. This kit can alternatively be used to assemble a Gladiator Valiant, Gladiator Reaper or an Impulsor.

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